Don't be fooled by the numerous websites out there promoting enhanced oral chelation therapies and selling you nothing more than a simple vitamin. In order to remove the heavy metals, detoxify your blood stream, and cleanse your circulatory system you are going to need much more than just a vitamin.
When you make a decision to take your health seriously and you start looking for the best alternative methods of treating or preventing disease, you need to make sure you know what you're looking for just as much as you need to know what you're not looking for. Chelating agents that come in a ready to ingest pill or liquid form and generally are blended with a vitamin tablet to enhance other areas of health generally lack the right amount of agent to completely detoxify your system. While of course, the generally public opinion poll is going to approve of the additional vitamins. We all need as many vitamins as we can get to be healthy (without going crazy of course) but you are going to need much more than a simple multivitamin in order to go through with a total and complete effective circulatory cleansing.
Vitamin Children
Enhanced oral chelation is a self dosing method of cleansing out the system and providing your body an improved optimum health range. With heavy metal toxins floating throughout the body optimal health is not even in sight. In fact these agents have been known to trigger or even cause a vast variety of diseases and conditions that are not only life affecting, but life threatening. Cardiovascular disease and neurological disorders are the two most concerning heavy metal effects on the human body. With calcium build up in the arteries, the blood has great difficulty easing through these tiny passages without creating build up related blockages. This of course is exactly how strokes and many heart attacks come to pass. Enhanced oral chelation is specifically designed to allow patients the right to choose a safe and effective method of reducing or eliminating their build up.
Enhanced oral chelation is not just for adults. Children have benefited tremendously from this unique and effective method of clearing out heavy metals. Lead poisoning, autism, and even some forms of birth defects and still births have been linked to heavy metal toxins. Providing children with a clean and healthy circulatory system not only improves these conditions, but has also been shown to prevent and reduce the risk of such health problems. Breaking down heavy metals within the body and removing them through human waste is a much more than any vitamin can handle. When looking toward enhanced oral chelation for the health of your family, look for the actual chelating agents to optimize the potential for success.
Special Price!!! Child Life Multi Vitamin and Mineral, 8-Ounce
Oct 21, 2011 03:51:38
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Child Life Multi Vitamin and Mineral, 8-Ounce Feature
- Child life multi vitamin & mineral
- Orange mango flavor
- Immune support
Child Life Multi Vitamin and Mineral, 8-Ounce Overview
Multi vitamin and mineral - orange/mango flavor vitamins and minerals are an important part of the spectrum of essential nutrients 1 that supports healthy development and strong immune function, as well as emotional and mental vitality. Depleted soil conditions in combination with present day food processing methods have led to a decline in the nutritional content and value of foods. 2 supplementing your infant's/child's diet is the only way to insure that all their nutritional needs are fulfilled. 3 childlife's liquid multi-vitamin and mineral formula provides the optimal dosage of all the essential vitamins and minerals with trace elements for infants and children of all ages. The great taste makes taking this supplement an easy part of a child's daily routine today's children face unprecedented challenges from two very important areas. On one hand, the nutritional value of the food we eat decreases as the nutritional content of the soil is depleted through time and modern farming methods. On the other hand, the rapid increase in environmental pollution and toxic burden creates an increased need for these nutrients, the vitamins and minerals that protect, nourish and sustain a child's natural, healthy development. Eat right and support your child's development with childlife formulas. The first and only complete liquid nutritional program formulated specifically for infants and children, by homeopathic pediatrician dr. Murray clarke.SAVE NOW on the special offers below!
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